Didn't get off to a great start when he managed to fall off a chair and give himself a nose bleed and swollen top lip! We had church in the morning, family service as it was Palm Sunday, Luke managed to be brave enought o stick his hand up and answer some questions. It ws so sweet to see him singing his heart out to "Jesus, the king is Risen" as he had learnt that song in school.
We then went to a friends for lunch with lots of other people, it was lovely and sunny, we sat out opening and playing with some presents, and Luke had a ride on our friends horse.
This is my fave pic of the day, Ethan figuring his own way to play with part of his new toy!

Yesterday we went to Lake Vyrnwy, I had to pop some more cards into the craft shop there.. they have a new website... here.
They have an amazing sculpture park, love this pic of luke, he just loves his Spiderman costume!

Happy Birthday Ethan........love Luke as spiderman! What a great idea Nidge and I should head up and see the scultures over Easter and see if the kids can make some (ever homeschooling!) Just encase we don't bump into you guys over Easter I hope you have fun and baby number 3 doesn't kick you too much!
Woo hoo Ethan! Your 2! Package in the post to you my sweet and a message on my blog, oh and a preview of your card!...
Ruth what I wanna know is did you sell many cards at Valley what's his name...
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