How timely! The DCM challenge was to make an orintal themed card without Red and Black.
I've just got my hands on some beautiful character images that are perfect for colouring. Please watch this space for more info about them, I've got a project brewing *wink*
... let me know what you think of her!
The outline of the image of black, so hope thats ok!
Used a punch I got ages ago to put the nicks into the corners of the card squares, and then wrapped embroidery floss round it for an `oriental' feel.
And yes... I inked the ribbon! Nothing is safe from my ink pad! The knot was done by cutting a piece of the ribbon to size then knotting the longer piece round it. I was pleased with the results as it created a flatter, less bulky knot.

Paper - HOTP
Flowers - Prima
Punches - unknown
Pens/pencils - Derwent watercolour, sakura gel and souffle.
Ribbon, floss and brads from stash.